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JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. was founded in 1997, Over the years JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. has grown remarkably and has become one of the leading Wireless TPMS expert in the world. In addition, JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. is cooperate with Taipei Metro System that produce and offer only the highest quality wireless data recorder. Another integral part of JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. is the fact that we are the wireless products supplier for military. Our efficient and expert service has also earned us the trust of customers from around the world. Our goal is to continuously provide the highest quality products to all our clients. JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD.sincerely hopes that we will have the opportunity to serve you in expanding your market shares in the near future. If you have any interests in any items from the web site or other items not listed, please feel free to contact us. We hope this will be the first step to a mutual, long term and fruitful business partnership
Bó Lè Associates is a leading international executive search firm with a well developed network of 22 local offices in the world. Bó Lè Associates was established in 1996, drawing the inspiration from a famous proverb in the Tang Dynasty about Bó Lè(伯乐), a legend who possessed a unique ability to identify the best horse from among a thousand great horses. We continue the legacy of Bó Lè by building a firm that was staunchly committed to the best of the best philosophy. We understand that gaining the recognition and respect of our clients is our single biggest accomplishment as a professional firm. We are driven by an extraordinary focus on achieving the highest global standards, while developing the best local resources, empowered by a seamless, integrated network to provide timely and cost-effective solutions for our clients’ critical hires. Our past success makes us humble yet strong and confident in facing the future. We seek to surpass what we have achieved in the past years - aiming for even higher global standards, developing even better local resources and further intensifying our commitment to providing the best solutions to clients.
佳音英語成立至今已近30年,以生活化活潑生動教學深獲好評。並配合第二外語教學政策,積極與各學校進行師資的培訓,教材的推廣等建教合作,讓語言融入生活,未來瞬息,萬變的國際社會。 Students should be assigned to small-sized classes according to age and level . 小班制教學,依年齡和程度分班,提供幼童最妥善的照顧。 Children should receive an education that helps them become open-minded, knowledgeable, responsible, prudent, and exemplary adults. 培養具備領袖氣質的下一代,讓幼童擁有高尚的情操、寬闊的胸懷以及思考判斷的能力。 The curriculum should be systematic and designed to accord with a childs development and interest. 設計符合幼童心智發展與需要的課程,長期有系統地規劃適齡、適性之幼教課程。 English is not just a subject. It is a communication tool for daily life. To immerse children in a wholly English environment, we take a natural approach using organized thematic methods to cultivate students. 英語是孩子的生活語言,統整的主題教學,將英語以自然教學法Natural Approach之方式,自然地帶入課程中,讓孩子長時間 “沉浸”在完全說英語的情境。 Learning should be enjoyable. At Joy, children learn English in a comfortable and anxiety-free environment. 遊戲即教學,兒童在輕鬆、自然的情境中學習。
We are a leading OEM producing Electric Gear Motors & controls for the furniture, medical and fitness industry. We have been producing and supplying motors and electronics since 1985. We also will be sourcing both mechanical and electrical components in China for our other manufacturing facilities in USA and Taiwan. We offer a unique opportunity for an individual who has recently or is about to graduate with a degree in engineering to grow with our China operation. If meet the requirements below and are looking to build a successful future and are willing to be groomed by our American General Manager, please send your resume and picture to [email protected] or [email protected]. Requirements: • Education Desired: Bachelor or above with Level four English ability in writing and reading • Major: Electronic Engineering preferably with a minor in Mechanical Engineering or relative, QA • Skill Requirements: Altium Designer(Protel), Keil, Autocad 2D, Solidworks or ProE 3D modeling. • Job Responsibilities : R&D management, 2D and 3D drafting, Statistic Process Control, Quality control for mass production • Past Employment: Not important, We seek somebody who has no problem to work in China. • Self motivated and able to apply high standards of professionalism to all areas of responsibility. • Be electrically and mechanically inclined, able to recognize and report problems. Job Description: • Writing software, Manufacturing process control, Quality system maintenance, Quality Assurance Inspections, 2D and 3D drafting. • Will inspect our production at various locations in China, write reports to our American General Manager and Taiwan Manager. • Should be willing to travel, willing to relocate to JiangSu & Guangdong Province.
公主的衣櫥-Free style日韓精品服飾 開放代購韓國的衣服囉! 近日會上架^^ 請各位持續關注FB社團或粉絲團 也歡迎到網店註冊會員哦! ❤歡迎加入會員唷!會員累積滿或消費滿3600即可升級為vip會員,單次購物滿3600即免運費 網店:http://freestylejp.lovein.tw/ezc/index.php FB社團:https://www.facebook.com/groups/471170376248948/ 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E5%85%AC%E4%B8%BB%E7%9A%84%E8%A1%A3%E6%AB%A5/233420260118942
HSUN WANG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. founded in 1998 and located in Changhua county Taiwan. We are specialized in Electronic and Electrician products and are one of leading manufacturer and supplier in this field. In order to meet the inquiry of our customers and extending our competitive in the market, we set up our main products line in Crimping Tools, Stripping Tools, Cable Tie, Terminals, Fuses, Samson, Coils, Heat Shrinkable Tubing. We are professional, good experienced, efficiency, good service, reliable, activity and available in offering a range of high quality products. We are experienced in offering OEM and value assortments to Well-Know Brand in the world. Please feel free to contact us for any further information, samples for your quality inspection or offer us your comments. Your suggestions will be always welcome. We wish to hear from you soon. We have many different type of package for the Ratchet Type Crimper, if you need any further information, please visit our website www.hsunwang.com and www.toolstw.com or contact us directly. Many thanks for your time and have a nice day.
中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright and out going person, feel free to contact us.
原點科技(Blue Tang Studio) is a newly founded start-up focusing on location based service. We are building a search platform for mobile applications and web-applications. The platform is our strategic product and will enable the internal and external customers to build new location based service within few weeks. The are looking for talented and self-motivated people to join our team. 原點科技為一新創公司,公司的主力方向是在Location Based Service,目前正在開發搜尋平台中。 軟體產品(Product)與軟體專案(Project)的不同在於,假設一個Project需要五個人,再開一個專案需要再五個人;而產品,一個客戶跟一千個客戶,開發成本是相同的,獲利高但是全球競爭,只有前兩名能夠生存。 敝公司的目標正在於,建立一個雲端資料庫,提供SDK及Cloud Solution給各國的軟體公司,希望有志於軟體產品開發的人材加入。
在這個資訊充斥、市場多元化的資本社會,琳瑯滿目的服務品項,讓使用者迷惑,如何在短時間內篩選出最實用且便利的商品或服務,成了使用者最大的困擾;而提供值得信賴的服務及正確資訊,即是促使我們成為服務平台中最重要的因素。 悠活團隊秉持著讓消費者時時刻刻都能享受『悠遊生活 快意人生』的宗旨,致力於推出結合美感、精緻、優質、創意與符合人性的綠色消費性商品,以及整合性的服務,例如企業內外訓/小型商展(記者會.產品說明會)/個展生日PARTY/婚企策劃與執行/企業CIS或個人形象品牌的建立等獨一無二的服務,讓悠活的使用者擁有便利的生活,有更精彩的幸福人生。 透過悠活易時代所提供的企業內訓與心靈成長講座,我們期許自己更進一步地提供使用者身心的提升與平衡,做個快樂的現代人,並創造屬於自己的幸福,以達到『悠遊生活 快意人生』的最終目的。 來到悠活,讓您充滿創意與幸福的生活!
愛心美食工作室(網址為:www.food-for-love.com.tw)我們雖僅是一個小小不起眼的工作室,無高貴氣派的辦公大樓,但在台灣這塊土地上發揮助人的愛心卻是不落人後,工作室的每位成員個個都是內心充滿著做愛心的熱忱與使命感,鑑於現今仍有許多孩童因先天的缺憾或可憐的遭遇而暗自在黑暗的角落哭泣,故本公司為了傳播[消費同時行善,行善不必一定要捐款]的觀念並秉持[讓行善者亦享有好品質商品]的理念,除了堅持我們的商品品質要好之外,並將商品出售淨利之一部分(目前一年已可捐出數十萬元)提撥來捐助較受大眾忽略之育幼院.迷失少年收容機構.....等之兒童照護團體,尤其是較位處偏遠地區之慈善單位,(且慈善團體開立之收據我們均可出示給客戶看),以期能以小小的力量來把一般大眾藏於內心底層的愛心發揮出來,並能提供那些行大善的慈善單位一些些的幫助,進而讓那些可憐的孩童均能接受到社會的溫暖,這是我們的心願. 加入我們的行列,福利雖無法與公家機關或大財團相比,但因考量工作時間長且辛苦,故工作室提供之收入還不差,尤其歡迎經濟壓力沉重或弱勢家庭之年輕人來共襄盛舉做愛心. (欲更深入了解本工作室之理念,請參考本工作室網站).
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